Trezor @Login. The official wallet

Trezor @Login - Connecting Safe Trezor®. Trezor Suite is free to use on desktop or browser at Dozens of features to discover. Try Suite now.Enhanced …

Trezor offers a secure login mechanism through its "Login with Trezor" feature, which is integrated into websites and applications using the Trezor Connect platform. Here's how it works:

  1. Trezor Connect: Trezor Connect is a platform that allows users to log in to websites and applications securely using their Trezor hardware wallet. It provides a simple and fluid interface for users with basic computer skills.

  2. Implementation: Trezor Connect can be implemented in various applications and websites. Once implemented, a small file containing a declaration of methods is downloaded. This file establishes a connection to the external webpage and downloads the Trezor Connect library, which is injected as an invisible iframe into the application.

  3. Security: Trezor Connect is open-source, ensuring that it does not save any information about the device or account. It also has whitelisted domains set to "*" and "localhost" and ignores messages coming from other domains, ensuring that it does not provide any data without the user's consent.

  4. Session Persistence: With the newest Trezor Connect API, the iframe element ensures that the communication after authentication with PIN and/or Passphrase persists until the session is closed. This means that users do not need to re-enter their PIN and/or Passphrase, and the app receives events about the device's connection status.

  5. Trezor Suite App: Trezor Suite is a desktop and web application that allows users to manage their cryptocurrencies securely. It provides a user-friendly interface for buying, selling, and sending coins, and every transaction requires explicit confirmation on the Trezor hardware wallet.

By using Trezor Connect and Trezor Suite, users can enjoy a secure and seamless login experience while maintaining control over their cryptocurrencies.

Last updated